Saturday, July 26, 2014

Summer Learning - A Trip to the Big Horn Mountains - Medicine Wheel

We had to travel this summer for a wedding - and we are always looking for opportunities to learn something new.  So, after the wedding we took a side trip up the Big Horn Mountains in northern Wyoming.  We decided to take the climb to the top of Medicine Mountain and see the Medicine Wheel.

Since it is a protected landmark and sacred to Native Americans - you must walk the 1/2 mile up the mountain to see it - just so you know.   They do have benches along the pathway so you can sit and take a break.  If you are disabled you are allowed to drive to the top.  The hike is probably moderate - and I would recommend being in shape and taking tennis shoes.  Although we all climbed it with our sandals, and all the kiddos aged 9-3 years of age made the climb just fine.  Also, I carried our 3 month old up and down the mountain trail - people were impressed.  :)  

 The flowers blooming right now are gorgeous.  

The views are beautiful!

They had 3 forest service works the day that we hiked the trail.  The three ladies were very friendly and very knowledgeable.  They were able to tell us all about the animals in the area - from Pika to Moose - to the different flora decorating the mountainside.  The Chickadees asked questions like - why did they use rocks?  (A:  They last a long time - the mountain has been on fire several times, and everything burned except the Medicine Wheel and the Rocks.)  What are the flags and things on the fence?  (A:  They are prayer offerings from the Native Americans - kind of like incense at other places of worship.)  What are the rock formations?  (A:  Limestone).  

We almost learned that the circle is very important to Native American culture.  Everything comes back to a circle.  We learned that their are a lot of circle rings all over the Big Horn Mountains and surrounding areas.  There are other "Medicine Wheels" but also Teepee Rings - and cooking rings.  

We saw all sorts of animals at the Medicine Wheel.  We saw this really huge fat Marmot - and lots of Pika's - they were too fast for a picture.  Pika's are like overgrown hamsters.  

Summer can be fun and educational!  Have fun on your vacations - and take time to learn something new!  As any homeschooler knows - learning never ends.

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