Wednesday, July 23, 2014

K12 Supplies Are In... Now What?

 Whew!  UPS just delivered all my K12 boxes - full of lots of lovely new learning supplies and course work for the new school year.  It may seem like a daunting task - but don't let the job at hand overwhelm you.  You can get organized!  

First - organize the boxes by student.  I start opening them all up one by one - starting with Chickadee #1.  I have 3 Chickadees in school this year - so I had 7 boxes to go through!

Get a look at your new course work.  Now is a great time to look it all over and get excited with your children about all the cool stuff they will be learning this year!  Here are just some of the books Chickadee #2 will be reading in Lit this year as a second grader.

K12 sends a checklist of all the supplies you should have.  Go through and make sure everything has arrived.  Interestingly in music this year you will be using links online to listen to music - so no music CD's this year.  We will see how that goes.  I hope it goes well!  Also - my 4th grader has no math books.  All guides are online now.  I am not sure how I feel about this - as it is nice to have a hard copy to take with you.  I'm hoping it'll be a good change - but we'll see.

Last - designate a shelf on a book case for each of your students.  Put the subjects in the same order for each of your students so you know where they all are - and you stay more easily organized.  Use a different color binder for each student for their subjects.  When the students complete an assignment just put it the right binder.  I put the subjects in this order- starting from the right and going left - History, Language Arts, (Phonics), Math, Science, Art, and Music goes in the living room where we can dance and have fun with it.

I put all the other supplies together also - Put all the math sets together on a shelf.  Put your art supplies together, and put you science supplies together too - that way they aren't spread all over and they are easier to find!

Congratulations!  You are ready for your first day of school!

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