Friday, July 18, 2014

K12 Material Are On Their Way!

I am so excited - got those emails in my inbox this morning - K12 Materials are on their way!  Am I a little bit sick?  I think I am.  ('Cuz I swear, didn't we just get out of school, like yesterday???)  I just love that time of year when they ship out the new course materials for school.  I love opening up all those packages and seeing what we are going to be learning this year.  I also love the excitement of the first day of school!  (Sadly - the excitement wears off fast!  :)

This year I am going to try to be a little more flexible - and use K12 as our OWN school - and not be so stressed out.  (I hope.)  I'll have 3 of my 5 little chickadees in school this fall - and they will be in  4th, 2nd, and Kindergarten.  Of course, Kinder and 1st are all about learning to read read read.  So that'll take up a lot of time.  I'm hoping that I can give #3 my attention that he needs since learning to read is such a difficult task.  I'll also have a 3 year old and a newborn to attend to.  So while I am excited about a new year I am also nervous and have a little trepidation.

I am excited that #3 will be in school - even though I think he will have a difficult time.  He is go go go go all the time and has energy to spare.  He doesn't like to listen or sit still.  I am hoping school work will help him to learn to listen and sit still a little bit better.  Also, every year we have a difficult time with him because he is on the go and bringing toys in to the school room and inciting #1 and #2 to riot - and play instead of do school work.  So, with #3 occupied with his own school work - I hope we might get more done.

I do love that K12 has my curriculum all lined out for me - and gives me a daily plan to follow - because I don't think I would have time to create my own - and I am afraid I would fall behind my own lesson plan - because I would have no "consequences."

So - that is it!  I'm excited!  When will you be getting your course work for the year?  Are you enrolled in K12?  Or some other online school?  Or do you plan your own curriculum?

Have a hats and chickadees day!

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