Friday, January 22, 2016

Tracking Canada Geese and Watching Doris Day Classics

*Today, the chickadees presented their research papers and stories.  Chickadee 1 did a story about Jerry the Girrafe.  Chickadee 2 did a story about Monarch butterflies.  It was highly successful. 
*My hubby has been hunting Ducks and Geese.  I don't like it very much, but they have been telling us all about what they are learning about the different fowl that migrate to our area.  Apparently, this area is as far south as Canada Geese migrate during the winter, as well as the many ducks that come to winter here.  So, this is the very best hunting ground in the entire US for ducks and geese!  Who knew?
*We went out searching for the birds with cameras and phones.  A different kind of hunting expedition today.  We found tons of Canada Geese - which I was able to capture on camera. 
*We also saw lots of different ducks... ( Pardon if I spell them wrong!). Mallards,teals, golden eyes, mergansers. What a fun time seeing all the different ducks!  I never knew so many ducks were out there in our area. 
*Lastly, we went down to the river by our house where we saw more ducks, geese, pheasants, starlings, and hawks.  We also saw geese prints in the snow and ice.  It was neat to see how huge those cute little webbed are.
*Pizza for dinner, along with an old movie with James Gardiner and Doris Day.  It's more of an obscure film that not a lot of people have heard about Move Over DarlingA "modern" remake of the Cary Grant and Irene Dunn My Favorite WifeIf you have not watched either of those two movies, and if you are a classic movie buff, I highly recommend them!  They are hilarious!   A man, Nick, has his wife legally declared dead after 5 yrs of being lost at sea... and gets married right after.  Little does he know, his first wife is alive and well, and has been rescued!  Comic mischief at it's greatest, joined by Don Knotts and other great actors and actresses from the past, please find this movie and watch it.  It is a laugh a minute fun time!
*Have you watched any great classics lately?  If so, let me know in the comments!  Until next time...
*Good night!

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