Sunday, January 17, 2016

It's a Cold, Sad Day for Packer Fans

This event took place on Saturday, January 16, 2015...

Yesterday was a busy day.  I had to wake up early and cook two pasta salads, an apple crisp dessert, and prepare a lettuce salad.  Then I loaded up my chickadees and we went and fed some special, hard workers in ministry work in our congregation.  It was a lot of fun. 

For our work day I had to keep it simple with a brown a- line pencil skirt.  I paired it with my 70's inspired button down blouse.  I wanted to add another color, so I went with blue since I like pink and blue together.  If you've been reading my blog - you know I love a belt.  So I added my white belt, along with my white statement necklace, and white shoes.  Lesson:  Have fun mixing colors! 

On a sad note my Packers lost in an overtime heart breaker to the Arizona Cardinals.  Now, the funny thing is I am going for Arizona to win because I don't like the other teams that are left.  On a side note, after reading insta posts with all the hate being spued about the Packers and Packer fans it was horrible.  I was disgusted by people.  #1- what happened to bring a good sportsman?   #2 - thank you for hating someone you don't even know.  You know what, you would probably like me.  #3- what a poor commentary on our times. 

So, here it is.  Congratulations to a hard fought game, Cardinals.  Best wishes to you in the next round.  And Packers, thank you for leaving your heart out on the field last night. Other than a win, I really couldn't ask for anything more.  Thanks for a great season, Pack.  The countdown is on for next year , and I hope I can make it to one of your games! 

That is what I wish I would have heard more of yesterday.  Come on fans.  Let's be classy, not classless.

Thank you for my rant and... good night. 

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