Monday, January 18, 2016

Anything Ever Get Lost in Your Closet?

These events took place on Sunday, January 16, 2016...

Meeting this morning!  It is dress up time!  I've read other blogs and these girls dress up everyday of their lives... I swear.  Not only is that impractical here (currently the high of the day was about 20 degrees and baring my legs too long is not very comfortable), but I also live in an area where dressing up doesn't happen very often.  I live in a poor, farming community, and survival takes precedence over fashion most of the time.  A few days of the week where I can dress up is at our meetings....

Have you ever lost something in your closet and a year later you find it and are like, oh yeah!  I forgot all about that blouse, skirt, .... jacket!?  Yes, my jacket!  I bought this beauty about a year ago from ModCloth.  It went on sale.  I had to have it.  It matched a blue and red jacket of the same design and style - but those were full price.  I loved how people styled the other colors so I snagged this one for a deal! 

As I was outfit searching, I found this mulberry jacket.  I paired it with my newly found black bouclé skirt (free!).  I love matching shoes and accessories, and also throwing in an unexpected color.  I love mulberry / burgundy / purple with yellow - so I threw on my pale yellow blouse and then added my gray belt to go with the gray in the jacket.  :)

For lunch a friend took us out to lunch at a local Chinese buffet.  Delicious!  We came home and watched the rest of the football games.  It was a long and satisfying day.  :). 

Jacket - ModCloth
Blouse - ModCloth
Skirt - Free from local giveaway
Shoes - Gift
Belt - Newport News
Earrings - Lia Sophia
Necklace - eBay
Ring - Vintage from local boutique

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