Sunday, January 24, 2016

A Walk With Wildflowers

*Glorious day waking up to a snow storm!  It was only a light dusting, but it was fun while it lasted.  We had a meeting this morning - so it seemed to be the perfect day for my new purple/pink skirt. 
*I really loved my outfit today!  I wanted to create an outfit around my new pinkish purple skirt.  I picked out my floral green blouse with pink flowers on it.  Because I love green and purple together.  ( I blogged about this shirt before, pairing it with a pink cardi and a brown polka dot skirt.). I wanted to play on the green in the blouse, so I wore my peacock blue charter school cardigan. 
*I love belting my jackets and cardigans, so used my pink belt for definition.  I added my yellow corsage pin.  It just seemed to go together.  To keep with the nature theme - I wore my leaf ring and my flower bracelet.  To top it off, my mint green BAIT shoes via ModCloth. 
* It was very interesting trying to take pictures with our cat Sweet Titus bothering me! 
*We got to eat lunch at China Town.  Yum! 
*Came home - watched the games.  Go Broncos, Go Panthers!  Ordered all my Super Bowl gear for my annual Super Bowl party.  Bring it on! 
*Who are you going for in the Super Bowl?  Hope you had a great day today!
Good night! 

Outfit Details:
Cardigan:  Charter School from ModCloth
Blouse:  ModCloth
Skirt:  Free Giveaway
Belt: Old
Corsage: Yard Sale
Shoes:  BAIT footwear via ModCloth
Ring: Gift
Bracelet: From Mexico

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Another Walk Down By The River

*We took another walk today down by the river that runs by our house.  Armed with our cameras, we were determined to spot some ducks and capture their images. 
*We walked for about 1/4 of a mile along the river.  It was the warmest day we've had for awhile: 40*!  (So, it was pleasant, as well.)
*Hubby and Nephew took us to the blind they "built.". We were able to see a huge flock of Goldeneye Ducks!  We could hear their wings!  Apparently, they fly so fast and flap their wings so quickly, you can hear them fly.  It was pretty amazing.  Goldeneye image below. 
*We found a huge sheet of ice.  It tempted me to dig out my skates and go skating.  My mom and her sisters always went skating on the irrigation canal in the winter when she was young.  To have that same experience - skating free in the wild outdoors - would just be sweet.  My poor chickadee #2 - and my oldest girl - fell down on the ice and hurt her eye.  Thankfully, it just bruised above her eye brow.  It didn't split open, or even bleed.  We kept a close eye on her, of course, but showed no signs that she had to be taken into the hospital.  Whew! 
*The kids found a thicket of trees where deer bed down for the night.  They climbed around inside of them - having so much fun. 
*What a beautiful place that I live in!  I feel so blessed!  The river - so peaceful, but wild and rugged at the same time, surrounded by awe inspiring mountains.  It might not be for everyone.  But it is the perfect place for me.

* What makes where you live so special?  Why do you love where you live?
Thank you and good night! 

Friday, January 22, 2016

Tracking Canada Geese and Watching Doris Day Classics

*Today, the chickadees presented their research papers and stories.  Chickadee 1 did a story about Jerry the Girrafe.  Chickadee 2 did a story about Monarch butterflies.  It was highly successful. 
*My hubby has been hunting Ducks and Geese.  I don't like it very much, but they have been telling us all about what they are learning about the different fowl that migrate to our area.  Apparently, this area is as far south as Canada Geese migrate during the winter, as well as the many ducks that come to winter here.  So, this is the very best hunting ground in the entire US for ducks and geese!  Who knew?
*We went out searching for the birds with cameras and phones.  A different kind of hunting expedition today.  We found tons of Canada Geese - which I was able to capture on camera. 
*We also saw lots of different ducks... ( Pardon if I spell them wrong!). Mallards,teals, golden eyes, mergansers. What a fun time seeing all the different ducks!  I never knew so many ducks were out there in our area. 
*Lastly, we went down to the river by our house where we saw more ducks, geese, pheasants, starlings, and hawks.  We also saw geese prints in the snow and ice.  It was neat to see how huge those cute little webbed are.
*Pizza for dinner, along with an old movie with James Gardiner and Doris Day.  It's more of an obscure film that not a lot of people have heard about Move Over DarlingA "modern" remake of the Cary Grant and Irene Dunn My Favorite WifeIf you have not watched either of those two movies, and if you are a classic movie buff, I highly recommend them!  They are hilarious!   A man, Nick, has his wife legally declared dead after 5 yrs of being lost at sea... and gets married right after.  Little does he know, his first wife is alive and well, and has been rescued!  Comic mischief at it's greatest, joined by Don Knotts and other great actors and actresses from the past, please find this movie and watch it.  It is a laugh a minute fun time!
*Have you watched any great classics lately?  If so, let me know in the comments!  Until next time...
*Good night!

70% at ModCloth Haul!

These events took place on Thursday, January 21, 2016....

As most of you already know, ModCloth has been having an amazing 70% off sale!  This glorious event usually happens 2x a year.  Once in the winter and once in the summer.  You can find some amazing deals during this time!  I couldn't help but spluge a little bit!  My haul came in today and it was so much fun opening up that box... (All 70% off items are final sale, no return.  So you are taking a small chance on these clothes.  Usually they are cheap enough this isn't a problem.  Plus, ModCloth is the ONE place where I usually keep everything I buy!). So, how did I do?  Here are the verdicts!....
*Tan and black heart tunic.  This one has been on my saved list for awhile, so, I snatched it up.  I can't wait to pair it with teal, purple, or green skirts.  Really any color of the rainbow will do.  Fit:  perfect!  Verdict:  Keep!
* The short teal and pink sundress was a stylish surprise.  Unfortunately, not my style.  A little too short.  Fit:  Good.  Verdict:  Sale!
*Plaid Dress.  I have been wanting a plaid dress for awhile now.  But something always has held me back.  Too short.  Too expensive.  Too cheap.  Something else on sale.  Something else I liked more.  When this Hell Bunny dress went 70% off, plus it was long enough... sold!  Fit:  Perfect!  Verdict:  Keep!
* Polka Dot Cardigan.  I have about 10 Charter School Cardigans.  They are one of my main staples.  So, I am always looking to add more.  I love a polka dot print, so this one went in my cart.  Fit:  Perfect!  Verdict:  Keep!
* Aqua Clock Dress.  So, I had not seen this dress before, but when it went on sale and it was long enough - I thought why not?  it's cute and it has a funky print.  I had a size small and was trying to check out - but none of my credit cards would work.  Ahhh!  It sold out in front of my eyes!  Nooo!  I checked the listing.  An extra small was still available.  I went for it and this time checkout was smooth.  A little nervous about it - but the dress was a stretch knit, so I thought it would be OK.  Fit: Perfect!  Verdict: Keep!
* Red Jacket.  Recognize this?  Yep.  I just wore the Mulberry version, which went on sale last year!  This year, the red one went on sale!  Yes, please.  I love it with the clock dress too!  I love red and aqua together.  Plus, the dress already has red on it!  Fit:  Perfect!  Verdict:  Keep!

Overall verdict:  100% happy with purchases!  As usual!  Go, ModCloth!  Also, instead of spending 100's of dollars like I would usually, all these clothes (6 pieces!), only cost $125.00.  Win, win, win! 

What did you score from the ModCloth 70% off sale?  And are you happy with what you got? 

That was my life today.  Have a good evening, and

Good night! 

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Dreaming of Paris

It was a highly uneventful day today.  The kids worked on writing and math this morning.  None of them got my love of writing it seems, or perhaps K12 really did just ruin it for them.  We may never know...
*Instead of traditional book reports, we decided to write stories sprinkled with facts.  It is a fun alternative, and the chickadees seemed into it.
* I had such a HUGE, and I am talking TOWERING PILE OF LAUNDRY, to fold today, I think it took me over an hour to do. 
*During that time I watched one of my favorite TV shows.  Rick Steves' Europe.  Very interesting program on Paris.  I learned all about the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, the Seine River, the Catacombs.  What a city - it is one place I wish to see one day.  It is a dream vacation spot.  Ah me, maybe someday.  Be still my heart.  So many things I wish to see.  So little time, and so little money. 
*My hubby found all these broken duck and goose decoys on an island in the river we live by.  So he drug them home and is piecing them together to create new decoys.  This is what you do when you have no money!  This one has a bottle and sock neck - and a French Beret!  He is a French Goose.  While I hate hunting, at least there are thousands of ducks and geese, and my husband is a bad shot.  Lol.
*Enjoying some NBA action tonight - watching Atlanta Hawks play the Portland Trailblazers.  Go T'Blazers!
*Well, that was my day. Good night! 

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Going Out Of Business

*This morning we woke up early to head out in the ministry.  It is also noteworthy that my hubby finally has work after 2 1/2 months of nothing.  So hopefully we can pay our house payment soon!
*Chickadee #4 has had a red lump appear on his hand and I was able to take him to the Dr. today.  He said it was a benign tumor that should go away when the blood supply to it dies.  All good news.
*A friend of ours has been running a store, and she is now going out of business.  She was kind and generous enough to let us go through and pick out what we wanted for free!  I was able to get some jewelry, dresses, and skirts.  What s blessing!
* I fell in love with my outfit today - not really expecting to do a post about it.  I just ended up loving how it turned out.  Every year a woman does a clothing giveaway - where everything is free.  I got this green / aqua dress!  It is so soft and comfie.  I paired it with my vintage inspired tweedy jacket and my pearls.  It was a lot of fun.  Here are the item specifics:
Dress - Giveaway
Jacket - Newport News
Boots - Hand me Downs
Hair Scarf - ModCloth
Necklace - Newport News
Ring - Avon
Bracelet - Vintage
*Dinner was pasta with grilled chicken, green beans, and corn bread, and sweet potato muffins.  My Chickadee #1 decided to play with his food.  This is:  The Runaway Bean.

Well - that was my day.  How was yours?  Good night! 

Monday, January 18, 2016

Just Another Manic Monday

What a Monday it was today!  Monday is my town day - which sounds like a lot of fun but usually isn't.  The five chichadees can make it painful sometimes! 

Regardless, we got a lot done and we saw a lot of beautiful creation. 

*We saw two bald eagles today - in a tree about a mile from our house!
*Saw a hilarious sign at one of the stores we went to.  I'm sure any parent can relate.  I'm still ROFL.
*My OOTD - I wore my gorgeous cream top that I love!!  From ModCloth - and wore my $70.00 jeans that I got via Stitch Fix (I gotta do that again someday soon... if only I wasn't so addicted to MC!).  I wore a gifted belt - and my brown riding boots from ModCloth (not shown).  I also paired it with my Golden Topaz and Citrine necklace my hubby bought me for our anniversary last year... aw.  And my favorite earrings ever!  My SunDrop earrings in yellow from a vacation we took.
*My chickadee #3 - bought a gift today for the other kids.  What a generous act.  Maybe something I am sayin' is sinkin' in!
* Dinner tonight was a chile quiche.  It was delicious. 
*Home made?  From the box Banana Nut muffins for dessert.
*Enjoyed watching the MLK day basketball specials.  My hubby's team Golden State beat Cleveland. While one of my teams:  LA Clippers beat Houston in OT. 
& Looking forward to another fun filled day tomorrow! 
Good night!

Anything Ever Get Lost in Your Closet?

These events took place on Sunday, January 16, 2016...

Meeting this morning!  It is dress up time!  I've read other blogs and these girls dress up everyday of their lives... I swear.  Not only is that impractical here (currently the high of the day was about 20 degrees and baring my legs too long is not very comfortable), but I also live in an area where dressing up doesn't happen very often.  I live in a poor, farming community, and survival takes precedence over fashion most of the time.  A few days of the week where I can dress up is at our meetings....

Have you ever lost something in your closet and a year later you find it and are like, oh yeah!  I forgot all about that blouse, skirt, .... jacket!?  Yes, my jacket!  I bought this beauty about a year ago from ModCloth.  It went on sale.  I had to have it.  It matched a blue and red jacket of the same design and style - but those were full price.  I loved how people styled the other colors so I snagged this one for a deal! 

As I was outfit searching, I found this mulberry jacket.  I paired it with my newly found black bouclé skirt (free!).  I love matching shoes and accessories, and also throwing in an unexpected color.  I love mulberry / burgundy / purple with yellow - so I threw on my pale yellow blouse and then added my gray belt to go with the gray in the jacket.  :)

For lunch a friend took us out to lunch at a local Chinese buffet.  Delicious!  We came home and watched the rest of the football games.  It was a long and satisfying day.  :). 

Jacket - ModCloth
Blouse - ModCloth
Skirt - Free from local giveaway
Shoes - Gift
Belt - Newport News
Earrings - Lia Sophia
Necklace - eBay
Ring - Vintage from local boutique

Sunday, January 17, 2016

It's a Cold, Sad Day for Packer Fans

This event took place on Saturday, January 16, 2015...

Yesterday was a busy day.  I had to wake up early and cook two pasta salads, an apple crisp dessert, and prepare a lettuce salad.  Then I loaded up my chickadees and we went and fed some special, hard workers in ministry work in our congregation.  It was a lot of fun. 

For our work day I had to keep it simple with a brown a- line pencil skirt.  I paired it with my 70's inspired button down blouse.  I wanted to add another color, so I went with blue since I like pink and blue together.  If you've been reading my blog - you know I love a belt.  So I added my white belt, along with my white statement necklace, and white shoes.  Lesson:  Have fun mixing colors! 

On a sad note my Packers lost in an overtime heart breaker to the Arizona Cardinals.  Now, the funny thing is I am going for Arizona to win because I don't like the other teams that are left.  On a side note, after reading insta posts with all the hate being spued about the Packers and Packer fans it was horrible.  I was disgusted by people.  #1- what happened to bring a good sportsman?   #2 - thank you for hating someone you don't even know.  You know what, you would probably like me.  #3- what a poor commentary on our times. 

So, here it is.  Congratulations to a hard fought game, Cardinals.  Best wishes to you in the next round.  And Packers, thank you for leaving your heart out on the field last night. Other than a win, I really couldn't ask for anything more.  Thanks for a great season, Pack.  The countdown is on for next year , and I hope I can make it to one of your games! 

That is what I wish I would have heard more of yesterday.  Come on fans.  Let's be classy, not classless.

Thank you for my rant and... good night. 

Monday, January 11, 2016

In Honor of the Green Bay Packers

To honor the Green Bay Packers playing in a wildcard weekend game - I decided to show my team pride all day!  We had a meeting to go to - and because of that I couldn't wear a jersey all day.  So I had to be a little creative.  I decided to use their colors - Green and Gold - to create a color block outfit - and I must say - I was pleased with the results! 

On to the game...

Which team would show up during the game?  The team that won the first 6 weeks of the season? Or the team that barely showed up the last 11? 

My heart was heavy as the game started and Washington scored a safety, field goal, and a touchdown!  But then, Green Bay came storming back and scored 17 unanswered points to lead at 1/2 time.  The final score ended up being 35-18 - Green Bay!  On to Arizona next week! 

Cardigan - ModCloth
White Blouse - Gift
Skirt - ModCloth
Shoes - ModCloth
Headband - ModCloth
Necklace / Earrings - Amazon

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Yikes, Stripes! And Putting Prints Together.

I don't know about you, but I love mixing patterns if I can.  For this outfit I wanted to find a neat print to go with my purple A- Line pleated skirt.  I love purple and teal together - so I went with my abstract snake print teal blouse.  It is a tank top - so I added a cardigan.  My black and white zebra print just seemed to go so well - so I went with it.  I also love yellow with purple and teal - therefore, I added my yellow and silver necklace.  Also - I needed something to break up the visual line a little bit - do I put on my black stretch belt.  If you know me you know I love a good belt! 

As far as outfits - this one is a little wilder than what I usually wear - I felt really good wearing it.  I really liked how the mixed prints turned out. 

To mix prints - try to find a common color or theme.  I think the prints and necklace all went together because the Cardigan has silver metallic thread running through it, the blouse has silver studs, and the necklace is silvertone.

Remember if you are going to mix prints... have fun with it!!

Cardigan: Giveaway
Blouse: Gift
Skirt: Newport News
Necklace: Gift
Bracelet: Gift
Ring: Vintage - local boutique
Shoes: ModCloth
Belt:  Maurices

Sunday, January 3, 2016

In Which I Feel Like A Gibson Girl

Do you remember the Gibson Girl?  She was a romantic doll.  Her hair was always beautifully coifed.  Her outfits were always fashionable - puffed sleeves and long skirts.  The accessories always dazzled.  She was, in a word, perfect.

No, I am not perfect, nor do I look like a fashion designer doll... but somehow I felt like a modern day Gibson Girl.  Maybe - this is how the designer would make her look today - still classy, but with a few modern touches.

For this outfit I decided to stay classic black and white with my long puffed sleeve striped blouse.  Instead of putting a white cami underneath, I used a black one.  Also, I decided to use my full black skirt that hits at the knee (scandalous!) Indtead of the floor, and let my orange-pink jewelry and classic pumps be the pop of color.  For the Gibson touch - I decided to put my hair up instead of leaving it long. 

Outfit details:
Blouse:  Sheinside
Cami:  Newport News
Skirt: ModCloth
Shoes: ModCloth
Necklace/ Earrings:  Gift
Ring: Gift

On a side note from fashion: if you've read my past posts, you know I am a huge Green Bay Packer fan.  Sadly, they lost today and so will be on the road for the playoffs instead of at home.  They will be heading to Washington DC next week to take on the Redskins.   It's been an up and down year, but I will always be a Packer Backer!

Have a Hats and Chickadee Day!

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Cats, Cats, and More Cats

Another long and glorious day volunteering!  It was -10 degrees again this morning, but then warmed up to 24 degrees!  I had dressed in lots of toasty layers, so needless to say, I was roasting when the temp went up so high!

That might seem silly to you, but it is, oh so true. 
Today's outfit featured the color blue and the theme cats!  For those of you out there who struggle putting together an outfit or just can't afford such fancy frocks as other blogs... well neither can I!  You have come to the right place!  :). I hope to be inspiring to those of you on a budget. 

Today's outfit showcased 3 simple items.  
#1- a sweater
#2 - a button up shirt
#3 - a maxi skirt.

I chose a color palate that was all blue but feel free to mix and match colors that go together.  Put on your layering button up shirt and add your sweater.  Next choose a maxi that goes well.  Add boots and some jewelry.  I added my yellow sun drop earrings and my vintage cat brooch from an old friend.

My kitty, Princess Kitten, decided she needed to join the photo shoot and I thought... well since this outfit is all about cats.... why not?  Plus, I love cats.  :). Yes, confession, I am a cat person. 

Button up shirt: Giveaway
Cat Sweater:  ModCloth
Skirt: ModCloth
Earrings:  Sundrop earrings
Headband:  Gift
Brooch: Gift
Boots: Gift

Have a Hats and Chickadee Day.  :)

Friday, January 1, 2016

Baby, It's Cold Outside

Today is the first day of the new year.  It is hard to believe it is 2016 already.  Today we spent our time volunteering and it was cold!  The morning temps were -10 degrees and ice crystals decorated the bare trees and naked bushes. 

This outfit reminds me of the 70's.  It looks like it could be a dress, but it is actually a blouse and a skirt. 
For all you moms out there who need some inspiration:  pick out a long winter maxi skirt.  Find a color in it and add a blouse.  You can even pick out a second color and add a cardigan.  Don't forget your boots and simple hoop earrings to complete your look!

Blouse:  ModCloth
Skirt:  Give-away
Boots:  ModCloth
Earrings/Necklace:  Lisa Sophia
Bracelet:  Gift

Stay warm out there today!! :)