Monday, February 9, 2015

Ring Necked Pheasants - so Fancy and Fun - and in our yard!

Good morning friends!  
This morning while we were getting breakfast and getting ready for our day of schooling, I looked out the window and spied our feathered friend - Mr. Pheasant.  I have a compost pile out back behind our house, and this fellow loves chowing down on all those "yummy" leftovers!

Of course, when I went out back to try and get some pictures of him, he heard me and started scurrying away in a hurry!  Pheasants are very smart and they have incredible senses that warn them when you are coming.  They usually scuttle along the ground, but will take to the air in a short burst of flight to get away from you.  

Male pheasants collect a harem of females.  Females are brown and black speckled, and do not stand out like this fella does.  I love it in the spring when we are driving down the road, and we see a mama pheasant crossing with 4 or 5 or more little chickadees trailing behind her!  So adorable!

So, off he goes.  I snapped this picture right before he flew away, with his distinctive loud call.

If you are interesting in learning more about pheasants, and hearing what they sound like - then go ahead and clink on my link to the National Geographic website here.

Have a Hats and Chickadees day!
Or a Pheasant day!
Just have a good day, all right?  :)

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