Saturday, February 27, 2016

Trapped in the Slickrock Canyon

Trapped in Slickrock Canyon takes place near the Grand Canyon.  I think of Southwestern colors and patterns when I think of this area - thus my outfit today. 

Today was a great day!  I had my chickadees with me and we went to eat lunch at McDonald's, and - even better - had ice cream for dessert.  :). We came home and rode our bikes all over our field - up and down the jumps.  It was a lot of fun. 

My skirt today came from my friend's boutique shop - which she closed earlier this year!  It is a limish / lemonish yellow with bright pink to really pop.  The pattern really reminded me of the Southwest.  I went with a dark emerald green turtleneck - and my cable car necklace.  My necklace is an old key chain that I upcycled to make into a necklace. 

Trapped in the Slickrock Canyon is the book I based this outfit on.  It is an older book written in 1984.  If you've never read it - I think it's worth finding a copy.  It is about a girl named Gina from the city and a boy named Justin from the country.  They are cousins, and Justin is in charge of taking care of Gina.   He is mad about it, and decides to take her into Slickrock Canyon.  All sorts of wild adventures commence.  From bad guys with guns to flash floods.  This book is quite an adventure!   4*!

Outfit Details:
Turtleneck:  Local Boutique
Skirt:  Local Boutique
Necklace:  My own creation
Shoes: Newport News
Earrings:  Lia Sophia

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