Monday, February 8, 2016

My Football Life: How It Began... Getting to Know Me Monday

I come from a football loving family; although, it took me a little bit longer to embrace the game.  My dad was a Bears fan (his dad was a Bears fan), and a Denver Broncos fan (they were the "close" team).  My mom loved the Philadelphia Eagles (her high school was the Eagles), and the Oakland Raiders (she was in love with Kenny Stabler.).  I ended up watching because they watched.  I even have bits of memory of games from the past.  I remember going for the Bills in four straight Super Bowls.  I remember watching a player on the Giants break away from the o-line and score a TD by doing a front flip into the end zone.  I remember going for the Broncos with my dad.  I remember the Broncos choking in every Super Bowl they played in.  I remember Chicago choking in the Super Bowl.  Most of my memories involve loosing.  Lol.  Why?  Because my family loved going for the underdogs!  Down with those Cowboys, 49ers, and Steelers!  They won all the time!  (This has continued into the future for me, by the way.)

Although I watched some football.  Oh. I was so horrible at math and the thought of figuring out WHY that 1st and 10 changed to 1st and 20 or 2nd and 2 or 3rd and 5 was beyond me!  I just didn't get it... yet.  So, I watched basketball and cheered for Houston and Indiana.  But that's another story.

The year I was in 8th grade - I actually sat down and watched football.  I mean, really watched it.  Mostly, I still watched Denver games, but I discovered I didn't really like John Elway, or Bill Romanowski, or really, anyone.  So, I started watching other games.  I started forming my own opinions.  It wasn't until I was watching the AFC championship and the NFC championship in that year that I saw..... Brett Favre and the Green Bay Packers.  They told his whole story and interviewed him.  The rest in history.  I watched him play that game against Dallas.  They played tough and I thought they had it, and were heading to the Super Bowl.  Then, one of their coaches was knocked out with a wayward tackle.  It seemed to take the momentum away to Dallas and they eventually won the game.  But, I said then and there that the Packers were winning the Super Bowl the next year.  In the AFC, I was going for the Indianapolis Colts who also lost.  Although it solidified my top 3 teams.  ( I also like the Chiefs - cuz I saw Arrowhead in person... but that's another story. )

The next year, I became a football fanatic.  I watched every game very closely.  And, when the Packers made it to the NFC championship again, I was chanting along with the crowd... we want Dallas!  We want Dallas!  Instead we got the Carolina Panthers, who we creamed to make it to our first Super Bowl appearance in years! 

Of course, Pack won!  And my fondest memory is of Brett, giddy as a school boy, running across the field with his helmet off.  The trophy was ours.  The next year, Packers made it to the Super Bowl again, and lost to the Broncos.  Now, you know why I do not like the Broncos.  Those were amazing years!  I loved watching Brett play.  He had such a love of the game and brought such joy to football.  I also enjoyed Robert Brooks, Reggie White, Gilbert Brown, Sterling Sharpe, Greg Jennings, and Antonio Freeman, and so many more! 

The Brett Favre controversy?  Don't get me started!  I was a Brett Favre fan 1st and foremost.  I never hated him.  He gave way to the next great QB.  Aaron Rodgers.  After Favre, he had to earn my respect.  And he eventually did.  I like Aaron.  He is a Super Close Second - for my favorite player of all time.  But, he'll never topple Brett, and his pure unadulterated joy. 

When GB pulled off a miracle by winning 3 road games and beating the highly favored Steelers in the Super Bowl in 2011- it was an amazing night.  My favorite memory is Aaron jumping for joy.  I will continue to route for the Pack and Aaron to win another Super Bowl! 

And that's my (part of it anyways) story of how I became a Packer fan and stayed a Packer fan... Green and Gold till I am Dead and Cold!  Cheesehead for life!  Go Pack Go!

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