Saturday, February 6, 2016

My Secret Guide to Paris...

Blogs are so much fun to read aren't they?  I love seeing what people enjoy doing and what makes them tick.  I have two genres of blogs that I enjoy.  Homeschooling blogs, because I home school and it is awesome to get new ideas.  (Several of them also review books, so win win!). And fashion blogs. 

The reason why I bring this up is because one blog I enjoy reading is a fashion blog, and she loves listening to music.  So, her fashion almost takes inspiration from music.  I thought about that, and wanted to come up with something that was at my core that I love doing.  Music, I love, but at the same time, I can go without music.  My books, on the other hand ... that would be like taking a fish out of water and telling it to keep breathing! 

I'll bet you didn't know that I am a voracious reader, did you?  I probably have over 1,000 books in my library, and it continues to grow.  Mostly I read to get my mind off the real world.  I love YA books, mysteries, chic lit, the classics.  I don't like reading heavy handed books, nor do I like reading most adult books.  So, I decided to try to come up with different books to inspire my outfits, and see where it leads me!

My Secret Guide to Paris by Lisa Schroeder is a fabulous middle school level book about a girl named Nora who has been planning a trip to Paris with her grandmother, Sylvia.  The trip hits a snag when her grandmother unexpectedly dies.  Nora finds out that Sylvia has actually set up a kind of treasure hunt all over Paris, which leads to some magical out of the way places.  So she decides to go with her mother as a kind of last farewell in rememberence of Grandma Sylvia. 

This outfit looked like Paris to me.  A dear couple bought me the dark navy blue top in Europe, so it just seemed fitting for a Paris theme.  Blue and coral work so well together, so I wore a coral scarf around my neck.  (Plus, you just wear scarfs in Paris!). The skirt is a gray pencil skirt - which was a gift.  Another dear friend designed and made my earrings.  I love matching my shoes to a color in my outfit, so I went with my floral coral shoes. 

Today was a miserable day where I live - gusts of wind up to 50 mph, and freezing cold outside.   Needless to say, I wasn't able to get outside pictures today.  Sorry these aren't the best, but it is what it is.  :)

What would you wear to Paris?

Scarf:  ModCloth
Blouse:  Gift from a friend from Europe
Skirt:  Gift
Shoes:  ModCloth
Earrings:  Gift
Bracelet:  Gift
Rings:  Lisa Sophia (blue one) and gift.

Thanks and have a great evening! 

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