Saturday, January 17, 2015

Navigating Early by Clare Vanderpool

I love the author Clare Vanderpool.  A while ago she came out with her very first novel called Moon Over Manifest.  It was witty, endearing, and very well written.  Her characters were quirky, but came to life under her pen.  Her long awaited second novel has finally come out and does not disappoint!  

Her second novel called Navigating Early is also historical fiction.  It takes place after World War Two.  The main character is named Jack.  His mother has died and his world has been turned upside down.  He has to leave everything he has known in Kansas, and move to Maine with his father, who he hasn't seen in forever.    Deep in his heart he feels like he was the one who caused his mother's death.  And that knowledge haunts him.

Jack doesn't really fit in with the other boys at the academy - where he now goes to school.  That is until, he meets the strangest of boys:  Early Auden.  Early Auden rarely attends class, and when he does, he doesn't seem to agree with what is being taught.  Early Auden is slowly revealed to us by what he does.  One such thing we learn is that Early is solving the number of Pi.  But instead of just solving the number, to him the numbers tell a story. 

The story of Pi, as told by Early, is interwoven beautifully throughout the entire book.  Pi is on a journey, and eventually the story becomes wrapped together with the story of Early and Jack.  Early and Jack depart on their own epic adventure up a river, and the story of Pi and the adventure of Early and Jack are hauntingly similar.  It is amazing how Clare Vanderpool puts the two together.  The story of Pi is almost prophetic to what happens to the boys.  As you read it is fun to try and figure out what is going to happen when the prophecy is fulfilled.

The story is written beautifully and is truly an inspiring read.  It hits on family, forgiveness, letting go, and love.  When it all comes together at the end - it will leave you breathless and wanting more.  Be sure to read the author's notes at the end - which help tie the book together even more.  

Clare Vanderpool, please start writing a new book as soon as possible!  I can't wait to see what you come up with next!

I would give this book 5 out of 5 stars!

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