Monday, March 7, 2016

Getting to Know Me Monday... I Love Where I Live

I live in the middle of no where!  The biggest city is 90 miles away - to the north of us.  It has about 100,000 people living there.  It is waaay too big.  The next closest city has about 8,000 people living there.  Also waaay too big. 

The truth is, I am happily content to live in the middle of no where.  I have no desire for fancy shops, eateries, or refinements of city life.  I am totally a Country Girl.  That's with a capital C and G.  I enjoy the soft breezes, the sounds of birds, the smell of the fields in the rain.  I love hearing our river tumble by, and the sounds of coyotes under the moon at night.  I love seeing the blue sky during the day, and a million stars at night.  I love being close to rivers, mountains, sand dunes, waterfalls, and geysers.  There is nothing like it. 

What do we do for fun you might ask?  Snowboarding, skiing, ice-skating, hiking, biking, camping, four-wheeling, and so much more.  It's not a life I would change to live in the city.  I know other people think differently, and that's cool.  But, for me, this is the life.  Where do you live?  Do you live in the country?  Or are you a city girl?  What do you like best about where you live?  Or, do you feel like you belong in the opposite place you live in now? 

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