Monday, August 18, 2014

Make the Last Week of Summer Vacation for K12 Homeschoolers a PRACTICE week.

Ug!  I cannot believe it is that time of year again.  Please hold while I cry....
OK - summer time is just a special time of year for me.  I love getting to have our own lives back, our own schedules.  Endless summer days to read out in the hot sun, or watch the shooting stars streak across the sky late into the night.  I love that we can take field trips, and day trips, without having to worry about school schedules and tests.  That being said... it is still that time.  

We are down to our final week before school starts.  K12 starts on August 25th for my 3 oldest chickadees and me.  And this is my suggestion.  Start school now.  


Yes, you heard me right.  Start school now.  I'm not talking about a full schedule here - I am talking 1-2 hrs a day.. that's it.  Besides if you are in K12 then you will not be able to start several online courses  (like foreign language, social studies, vocabulary, etc.)  But start something.  

Today - Monday, August 18, 2014 - Start going over math courses with your children.  I will be doing a couple of lessons with my Kinder student that deals with shapes.  My 2nd grader will be going over numbers from 1-500.  And my 4th grader.  Well, he's stuck.  K12, sadly, decided it would be a good idea to have all math be digital for upper level elementary grades.  I am not happy about it.  I love being able to take my math and go.  Now, I have to print even more stuff off... but I am getting off subject.  For your older students have them review some concepts from the year before.  My 4th grader will be reviewing multiplication.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014 - Break out the Literature and Phonics courses.  I will be having my Kinder do several phonics lessons, and going over some lit lessons as well.  For my 2nd grader, she will be doing lit lessons, as well as writing lessons.  My 4th grader will be starting his language art skills, and literature.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014 -More Lit and Phonics or math

Thursday, August 21, 2014 - More Lit and Phonics or math.FIELD TRIP DAY - DO SOMETHING FUN TODAY - A LAST SUMMERTIME FIELD TRIP!  

Friday, August 22, 2014 - Try a new subject if you are able - in K12 they do have a lot of the activities and lesson plan in the student handbook now.  So try a History lesson, or a Science lesson.  Or stick to Math or Lit.  

Why do I even suggest such a thing?  Because, believe me, it'll help your student have a smoother time transitioning to a full school schedule and day.  Also it'll help you get a head on a few lessons so that first day won't be so hectic and full.  Guess what?  You can mark that lit lesson off already, because you already did it!  And that math lesson?  It's just a review on the computer now.  And BAM!  Your first day will be much easier and fly by.

But don't forgot to make your last week fun too.  We always take a last summertime field trip.  So, find something in your area that you can go to or attend - make those last summer days special.

Don't forgot to write down all your time you spend this week in a log and when school does start 1 week from today - you can log all those hours in attendance.  

Happy Monday fellow K12ers and Homeschoolers!  Happy last week of summer!

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