Tuesday, August 12, 2014

K12 Embark Preschool Review Unit #1 - I am Special - Social Studies

So - we finally finished up our first unit for Embark Comprehensive.  The studies start out with Unit One:  I am Special, and starts with the subject of Social Studies.  

There are 4 "modules" for the Social Studies subject.

#1 - Me, Myself, and I:  The kiddos learned about first and last names with a bear as a helper.   The chickadees really enjoyed this game.  Then they made puppets - making them look like themselves.

#2 - All About Me:  Supposed to make up a poem about themselves and why are they special.  A little too advanced for a pre-schooler in my opinion.  They didn't like it.

#3 - Phone Number

#4 - My Address

So - as a review - this unit started out really fun, then bogged down with numbers and details that my 3 year old pre-schooler did not enjoy.  

Anyone else accomplish the Social Studies unit in I am Special?  What are your thoughts about it?

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