Thursday, May 29, 2014

Invitation to Play - Fairies, Lilacs, Leaves, and Watercolors

My four older ones:  Chikadees #1, #2, #3, and #4 had just watched the new Disney Tinkerbell movie about the Pirate Fairy so they decided they were going to "create" there own fairies by using colored water and our beautiful flowers I had put on the table.  First they used their watercolors to create a plethora of beautiful rainbow colors.  
After that they tore apart the crabapple flowers and the lilac flowers into their own little petals and buds.  They also collected lilac leaves and very carefully cut them up into little pieces. They added these beauties to the bowls and cups of rainbow water.  They mixed this solution together and pretended they created fairies.  (The lilac leaves mixed with green became Tinkerbell, and the the Blueflax Flowers (not shown) mixed with blue became Silvermist etc.)

Of course, my two youngest got tired of the mixing game - and eventually the leaves and flowers ended up outside in the mud and dirt.

They decided that making mud and making a mess was so much funner.  Of course, I let the play go on for a little bit as I know that young children and even older ones LOVE playing in mud.  But I can only handle mud for so long until I have to call it quits.  I am not a mud lover - it gets everywhere - it is tracked inside my house, it ruins and stains clothes that I work so hard to buy to name a few reasons why.  

But my Chickadees had fun and the imagination they put into their play was amazing.  Flowers, leaves, and watercolors... who knew those simple things could keep a child occupies for several hours.  

Have fun setting up your own area to play.  All you need is leaves, flowers, water, and watercolor paint - lay them out and just see what your Chickadees can do.  

Wishing you a Hats and Chickadees day.  :)

20% Off Promotion Code - Lakeshore Learning

I wanted to post this amazing Promotion Code from Lakeshore Learning - It gives you 20% off a single non-sale item from now until July 4, 2014.  The code is:  9169.

Lakeshore Learning is an amazing resource for homeschooling families.  They have great items such as workbooks, instruments, maps, games, and more.  Check them out - because you can totally get lost browsing all their cool stuff.

I do not get any money from Lakeshore Learning.  Just passing on this great deal to you.  

Lakeshore Learning

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

K12 Material Returns - Reclamation

Good Morning Fellow K12 Families and Homeschoolers!  It is that time of year again - Material Returns.  It is a very fast and easy process.  The school will send e-labels to you in your email along with a list of items that you will need to return.  I take this time to check through the list and start gathering up the items that will be returned and putting them in one spot.  I always wait until they send me labels in the mail though, so that I don't have to print off half a dozen labels.  It's called saving ink my friends!  

Remember to go through your list very carefully.  Only send back the stuff that they request you send back-  all the text books, CD's, math shapes, ect.  Here is a helpful hint:  keep everything else that they say you can keep like art supplies, maps, and globes.  I have found that even though I may not have opened up and used that globe this year, that the next year 3 blowup globes in a row could pop.  So, I always save everything - you never know when you might need it.

I save all my K12 boxes in our basement for the entire year so that I don't have to try and find boxes to send back all those books.  Take your materials you have to send back and package them all up.  Be sure and use strong tape to secure your boxes.  Also, you will want to remove or black out out any other labels on the boxes.

The last step is very easy.  Attach all those labels on the boxes (the ones that you get in the mail) and take them to your nearest UPS store drop off.  Done and done.  Another thing to check off your checklist as this school year ends, and your summer adventure begins!  

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Run for the Roses Fashion - May 2014


My baby was 3 weeks old at the Kentucky Derby this year so needless to say I wasn't in the best shape of my life yet.  Again we all picked horses.  I decided to go with the favorite this year - California Chrome!  I couldn't believe it!  My horse that I picked for the second year in a row won!  The pressure is on for next year!

Hat:  Gift
Dress:  Vintage dress found at a giveaway - free
Belt:  Newport News